Saturday, June 27, 2015

Exploring Davao: Eden Nature Park Adventure

While living in a place with a summery weather, going to a cold place gives me the feeling of belongingness - the feeling of home.

That feeling was what I felt while riding on a trike and was met with the cold breeze and the pine scent while going up this Eden Nature Park of this so called durian city.

The trip to this park somewhat climaxed one of the days during our trip in this city as it gave us these blood pumping treat of exploring the outdoors. An experience of taking the plunge and screaming our hearts out as we went through these so-called level-up adventures.

The Indiana Jones

Riding this 50 ft mini-zip line started the adventure we wanted to experience. Though it is for kids, and it's for free, trying it is also part of the fun.

 The Skyrider

Taking the zipline is one of the adventure activities one should not miss while visiting this place. As you conquer the fear you have for heights and for the ride, you will learn to enjoy the green sceneries around you.

The Skycycle

 This skycycle is one of those I can say another first. Without any knowledge about biking and looking at the distance I have to travel, I still took the courage. With this, I found it more challenging than just riding the zipline as I needed to pedal to be able to reach the end of the line and then back.

And if I have to go back to this place, I will surely try these rides again...

Friday, June 12, 2015

Exploring Davao: Talikod Island

Davao is also known for its top beaches in the Philippines, taking Samal island as one of the most popular in the city. However, instead of exploring the island, we opted to take those areas which are still undeveloped and uncrowded - the Talikod island.

Taking the Sta. Ana Warf and with the help of one of our friends in Davao and her family, we had to take a private boat to see these clean and beautiful beaches found in this island.

Indeed, the virginity of this Talikod island is a perfect getaway. While cruising the calm waters and scanning the blue horizon, you are being entertained by dolphins and fishes dancing along the way. The clear waters also entertain you with clear corals and fishes that even without gears, they can be seen while overlooking on the boat.

Owning the the beach with only 2 or 3 other tourists is a perfect relaxation for a person who is looking for a perfect serenity. With the white beaches that welcome you on your every stop, you will never regret choosing to come to this place.

We were first welcomed by this ruins by the shore which gives a perfect view of castle like buildings from afar. 


The second resort where we stopped is the Isla Costafba Beach Resort. It welcomed us with a beach cave and rocks standing around the shores of the island. It gave us the experience of rock climbing and pebble picking.

While lying on this pebbly shore, we enjoyed listening to the sizzling sound of the water as the waves roll onto the beach and then back to the sea. It was also an entertainment watching the varied sizes of hermit crabs coming out from these pebbles and being brushed away by the waves.

The last stop we had was at Isla Reta, a place which is also packed with beautiful, peaceful and serene beaches. Unlike the first two beaches, this resort is called a diver's paradise as this island takes pride with its corals popping along its shores. Unlike the first beaches too, this place welcomes us with its soft and fine white sands and the big talisay trees lining on its shores.

Yes this place was really a perfect getaway especially for a stress relieve. It's a perfect place to be one with nature and the experience it gave us gave a meaningful lesson and a realization of the things that we have to be thankful for.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Exploring Davao: Where to Go and What to See...

Exploring the South was one of those "to do" lists I've set in one of my travel destinations. So together with Gina,  a colleague in this metropolitan area where I am currently working, we've set to explore and have a personal feel of this Durian City of the Philippines.

It is not only the fruits such as durian, pomelos, marang or mangosteen that this city is rich of. It also has these tourist destinations to offer which every visitor should see.

The Crocodile Park. 

This park doesn't only give you a view of different crocodile varieties but it also gives a personal encounter with the animals that are found here. Harmless as they are, this area is open to any tourist who would like to have a closer look to these reptiles.

Like any other parks, varieties of animals can be seen here. Though it was a surprise to find varieties of birds from the different places in Indonesia, it was also nice to learn about them and to see their differences from the others and the ones that we have.

The Butterfly Garden

Just a few meters away from the Crocodile Farm is the Butterfly House. A wildlife sanctuary where different colors of butterflies can be seen.  

Tribu K'Mindanawan

Another attraction in the area is this cultural village where cultures and traditions of the Indigenous Peoples of Mindanao are being showcased. Cultural performances are being done in this area during weekends too.

GAP Farm Orchard Resort

This orchard resort is one of those attractions a tourist in Davao should not miss. Upon entering the place, a visitor is met with this large monument of a poor pioneer settler as one of the great developers of this area. This giant carabao with a farmer on its back also welcomes its visitors with these large letters describing the place.

Among the attractions that you will see in this place are these animals having their parade. It's an attraction showcasing the different Philippine animals which are wild and tamed. With these animals are their names written in Filipino.

Jack's Ridge Resort and Restaurant

Another historical place in Davao is the Jack's Ridge Resort and Restaurant. A place overlooking the city of Davao. Said to be an area which once formed the headquarter of the retreating Japanese forces towards the end of the World War II, the place maintains the feature that made it an important outpost for the retreating Japanese forces, a commanding view of Davao City and the Gulf, the same view within the premises is also refreshing, since the owner has made its mission to preserve the natural beauty of the place (

Ending the day with our dinner at Jack's Ridge Restaurant.