Friday, June 12, 2015

Exploring Davao: Talikod Island

Davao is also known for its top beaches in the Philippines, taking Samal island as one of the most popular in the city. However, instead of exploring the island, we opted to take those areas which are still undeveloped and uncrowded - the Talikod island.

Taking the Sta. Ana Warf and with the help of one of our friends in Davao and her family, we had to take a private boat to see these clean and beautiful beaches found in this island.

Indeed, the virginity of this Talikod island is a perfect getaway. While cruising the calm waters and scanning the blue horizon, you are being entertained by dolphins and fishes dancing along the way. The clear waters also entertain you with clear corals and fishes that even without gears, they can be seen while overlooking on the boat.

Owning the the beach with only 2 or 3 other tourists is a perfect relaxation for a person who is looking for a perfect serenity. With the white beaches that welcome you on your every stop, you will never regret choosing to come to this place.

We were first welcomed by this ruins by the shore which gives a perfect view of castle like buildings from afar. 


The second resort where we stopped is the Isla Costafba Beach Resort. It welcomed us with a beach cave and rocks standing around the shores of the island. It gave us the experience of rock climbing and pebble picking.

While lying on this pebbly shore, we enjoyed listening to the sizzling sound of the water as the waves roll onto the beach and then back to the sea. It was also an entertainment watching the varied sizes of hermit crabs coming out from these pebbles and being brushed away by the waves.

The last stop we had was at Isla Reta, a place which is also packed with beautiful, peaceful and serene beaches. Unlike the first two beaches, this resort is called a diver's paradise as this island takes pride with its corals popping along its shores. Unlike the first beaches too, this place welcomes us with its soft and fine white sands and the big talisay trees lining on its shores.

Yes this place was really a perfect getaway especially for a stress relieve. It's a perfect place to be one with nature and the experience it gave us gave a meaningful lesson and a realization of the things that we have to be thankful for.

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